Our Story: 
Boldly Shaping Tomorrow

At Bugbox, we’re driven by a singular mission: to spark a new generation of creators who aren’t just learning, but shaping our future. We do this by aggressively simplify the digitech curriculum for teachers, through purposefully designed physical and digital teaching tools.

Our roots go back to 2020, when our founder, Dylan Nguyen, saw his two young daughters wrestling with homeschooling during the COVID lockdowns. Inspired by their curiosity and frustrated by the lack of suitable hands-on learning solutions, he took action. Combining his 20+ years of global engineering experience with a vision for accessible technology, Bugbox was born.

We are not just another STEM educator. We are adventurers - eager to push boundaries, explore new ideas, and step into the emerging real-world applications. Bugbox was created to inspire students to embrace the challenges of the future with creativity, confidence, and courage. We’ve made learning an exciting journey, where failure leads to discovery and where the limits of imagination are constantly tested.

Meet Our Founder:
Dylan Nguyen

Dylan Nguyen is an innovator at heart!

After two decades working on groundbreaking projects across mutiple industries, Dylan recognised the need for a more holistic approach to STEM education.

His own experience as a father helped shape his vision for Bugbox: a platform that combines engineering principles with interactive, real-world problem solving, with an approach that appeals to the preferences of today's savvy students.

Dylan didn’t just want to teach kids how to code; he wanted to create something that captured their imagination and empower them to be part of something bigger!

Dylan's unique, 3D-printed robot design and engaging lesson scenarios are a bold and ambitious approach to STEM education that sets Bugbox apart. We are committed to making technology education widely accessible.
Dylan at work!

Our Mission:
Designed to Lead

At Bugbox, we are empowering young minds today so that they can enjoy sustainable career success tomorrow!

We know the future calls out to those who dare to think differently, and that's why we've designed our educational program to meet our student's ambition. From robotics and coding to solving real-world problems, our approach give students the tools to push the accepted boundaries of what is considered possible.

Our lessons do just check the box; they challenge students to collaborate and solve problems in bold, inventive ways. Our programs develop resilience, and a sense of adventure so students can stare down setbacks with determination, bounce back stronger, and keep striving for their lofty goals.

This is the Bugbox mindset!

Our students aren't just learning, they are leading. They are becoming the kind of innovators the world needs - resilient, adventurous and driven to make a possitive impact.
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