Bugbox Foundry
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👉 Dream big, think differently, and build the future during an immersive 3-day program.
Grade: 9-11
Learning Outcomes:
🔶Digital Collaboration and Project Management
🔶Emerging Technologies and Digital Ethics
🔶Hardware and Software fundamentals
🔶Programming and Algorithm Design
🔶Defining and Decomposing Real-World Problems
What to expect:
Students assume the roles of engineers, developing robotic solutions to address industry challenges. Students immerse in creative ideation, based on rigorous research to build innovative solutions, culminating in a business case presentation.
What we bring:
🔶Enough robots for student use
🔶Structured and immersive facilitation to push the boundaries of “possible'“
🔶Coaching by one of our Teaching Success Partners
What you need:
🔶Students’ laptops
🔶Space for students to use for the program